hi there! i am juanr4140, a 17 year old junior in high-school! i love all things computers,
especially the Linux operating system ;-)! i also love music, and currently listen to The Beatles
and The Smashing Pumpkins. i'm also a big plane fan, with my favorite being the Airbus a320!
i love all things cybersecurity, and hope to pursue it as a career in the future. i have a couple
coding projects of my own, like a classroom library website or a custom CPU and assembler emulator.
i use languages such as C, HTML5, node.js, python, among others! a small little fun fact about
myself is that i don't drink soda at all, going cold turkey ever since late 2023! anyways, i hope
you enjoy looking around! p.s: recognize the font? ;-)
if you would like to contact me, you can find me on various social media platforms under the same
username, juanr4140.
> Low level (C, Asm)
Custom CPU Emulator and Assembler
Created: Sep 5, 2023
Updated: Sep 15, 2023
A Custom CPU with its own instruction set, emulator, and assembler. It has its own assembly-like language and features a 20x10 'display', which allows for small, simple programs. Planning to adopt into something greater than just a small display.
Operating System
Created: Dec 12, 2021
Updated: Dec 30, 2022
An operating system that jumps from 16-bit Real Mode to 32-bit Protected Mode. Has been in development since mid 8th grade, adding keyboard and printing support at mid 9th grade. Can currently read user input and respond accordingly.
> Web
Tell It!
Created: 2020
Updated: December 2022
An on and off project, Tell It! is a small social media website which features login and sign up, ability to post and view posts, and like them. It is fairly simple, only being written in HTML5, but posting and viewing posts works.