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First thoughts post wow



It is now the third (?) week of school now and I already feel drained. Either that or maybe I should be re-considering my sleep schedule. One thing you should know about me is my tendency to always stay on task, to not procrastinate, and to always get my work done on time.
Hahaha I hope you didn't believe that for a second! I mean, just look at my OS ..
Having that in mind, I may have taken 56 hours to complete my Physics homework according to my Chromebook. It's not my fault it accounts for time even if I'm not there to do it. Anyways, I had AP Human Geography and Physics homework. I finished it last second, and now I'm cool. Very cool. Fresh. Very fresh. Though now, I wonder what's next. You're telling me I have to do 36-or-so weeks of this? Laaaaameee.
I'm sitting on my high school's "Learning Staircase". They are stairs for learning... aand to get to the first and second floor, but c'mon it's for learning. Uhh finally.. uhh... I don't knwowa tho tyepee.
I might put up a few posts in the next days detailing more of like.. my life. Then I might pin them for easy access. If I still even find it relevant to keep putting up here. Maybe my kids will read these words. But then again, who's having kids in this economy, hahaha. You hear that kids? You were almost never born mwaaahhahahahahahah ok bye now ily byeeee