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New Year New Me!



Almost slipped up, but I'm back! Hello future children and current readers and yada yada yada! I am currently on my morning commute to school, so I have about 10 minutes or so to write. Then I walk around 15 or so minutes to school. I should tell the children how treacherous the walks were, Haha!
Anyways, life has actually been pretty good! I got a scholarship in the beginning of February, so that is awesome. I got over 120,000 points in CyberStart America, so I was luckily considered, was able to apply, and was accepted! Now, I am taking a virtual course to get a GFACT certification which is a game changer, really, really happy for that! I understand most of the concepts in the course, so I imagine the certification exam won't be too difficult. Right now, I am considered a national cyber scholar by NCSF (National Cyber School Foundation), but if I pass the exam and get certified, I would be a national cyber scholar with honors (which means more potential scholarships or internships)! I think that is really cool, and I am hoping to pass the exam. My deadline is on June, so be sure to check back by then!

Anyways, that's about the highlight of my year so far! I'm very excited to see how things go (ah, and my dual credit class I just remembered. Don't think I ever mentioned it.. Next thought I will...)! I probably have aorund 5 minutes to spare now, but I really need to quickly host this locally to make sure it all works, then update it on the server. Speaking of! Really sweet stuff! Love the server! OKAY BYE CHILDREN BYE READERS I'LL MAKE AN UPDATE NOT NEXT YEAR