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Wait September is already over?



Woah. It's been almost a month now? That's pretty crazy. Time flies. Hello again and welcome back to another Thought post. I have plans for the website, and have begun to add some of my ideas, like the navigation bar. I am planning on removing the buttons on the home page, and replacing them with quick access links maybe. (Like latest Thought post). What will I talk about today, you ask? Well.. not much really. I don't have much to talk about anyways. Well, maybe school. School is actually.. fun. There's a lot of pretty nice people in here, so I'm glad that if I'm spending 4 years with students, it's going to be with these people. I don't know though, I have high hopes. I'm trying to do well in school, I want to get into a decent college with a computer science degree to get a job somewhere. I heard computer science pays well, so I'm excited for that. What I'm not excited for is adult life. The thing is, when I was a child, I always thought things magically happened. Like the clothes washed and folded themselves. Or that the food made itself. The truth is that it doesn't, obviously, and it was my parents the entire time. I feel pretty scared then to be kept up with so many possibilities as an adult, like bills, connections, jobs, washing clothes, cooking, staying alive. It's all too much I think, but that's life, isn't it? I'm sure I'll be fine.

In other news, last Monday was crazy! Jupiter was the nearest to the Earth since 1963, or 59 years! I adore space a lot, I always get fascinated talking/reading/discussing about it. I was outside Monday night looking up it was mesmerizing! I took this picture on my phone:

(Lost image of captured photo of Jupiter kept for historical reasons.)

and this was a TikTok livestream someone was doing from their telescope:

(Lost image of screenshot of telescope of Jupiter kept for historical reasons.)

School is great though, life is good. I uploaded some things to JuanR4140/Projects though! I'm mainly working on a melody on my guitar, also added a table of contents since I expect to fill more of it with more projects.

Anyways, that's it from me! See you.. next month....