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A Late 2023 Recap After Midnight



Woah. It's December already! December 23rd actually. Tomorrow will be Christmas Eve. Time passed by fast. I haven't posted anything on here since May. Now, what's the point of having a website if you won't even post on your little personal blog? How dumb! So, here I am, writing a little entry with a little recap of what has happened since.

June-September: Fairly uneventful. I started a Assembler/Emulator for a Custom CPU. Check it out on GitHub! It's pretty cool. You can write programs with it in a custom assembly language, write to VRAM, etc. It's what's kept me busy during the school year, apart from, you know, school.

October: October was a pretty nice month! We had a school field trip that lasted two days. We went to a remote campsite where we did a lot of fun activities! Honestly, I've never heard of a high-school doing this, so to be a part of it was thrilling. Some activities that we did were: hiking, fishing, archery, kayaking, water study, and climbing an alpine tower! (I got to the top :]). We had breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was a little strange looking at my friends and asking, "Are you ready for dinner?" I've never asked that to a classmate before, so it was a very interesting experience to eat dinner with friends. The last night before the trip, we toasted marshmallow and watched a movie. The whole experience as a whole was interesting. Spending two days without parents or cell service, it opened my mind, so to say. Nevertheless, it is something that I will never forget! (As long as I have these entries anyways. Can't share photos due to privacy reasons.)

November: My birthday was on November! That's about it though!

December: And now we get to December. I've been busy with school, especially since the semester was rapidly approaching the end. I pulled through though and passed my classes. My friends gave me some presents for Christmas! One of them gave me a Beatles jukebox that plays Let It Be. I absolutely adore it. I always play it before bed, or whenever I can. It's a nice melody, and it calms me down. Another friend gave me a Raspberri Pi! I was stoked! I've always wanted a Pi! There's so many things I could do with it, such as set up a server, or do some electronics with it! For now, I'll explore what I can do with it and just have some fun!
I went on school break on December 14th. I'll go back to school on January 2nd or 3rd. I have some time to do a project I've been wanting to work on for a good while now. I'm making a classroom library website for my English teacher! I want to scan her books into a database, and have a website where she can view them and search for them, as well as the students. They'll be able to check out books and review them for others to see. It's a pretty ambitious project, given that it's going to be made public for others to use, so I have to put extra work and consideration into the design, as well as the security of the website. HOWEVER. There are problems. Of course there are problems. I'm using Replit to host the website. Hell, juanr4140.com is being hosted on Replit as of December 23rd!! Replit has been showing signs lately of going more commercial, and you now have to pay $20 a month for extra perks, such as more computing power and custom domain linking. Such prices are outrageous for me as a 16 year old programmer, so I am afraid I'll have to migrate services. As for juanr4140.com, I will go for another registrar as Google Domains got bought out by Squarespace. As for my websites, I'll probably move to Heroku to host there instead because of their Node.JS support.
It was actually today where I got this motivation to start getting everything organized again. I cleaned out my email and will be responding to some individuals shortly, and I'm planning out some things accordingly moving onto the new year. I hope by then things get better. I'll do my best to write here every month or so, I mean, this is some sort of auto-biography, no? hahaha! Hello future children. Or whoever you are. always have to end it off like that. I will continue to give updates on what happens next. Until next time! (Which, hopefully, isn't ~5 months from now. :])