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A Year In High-School



Well, it's here. There's only 29 days of school left and.. I'm a sophomore now. Isn't that crazy? It's weird in the sense that I didn't expect it to happen so quick. It happened way too quick. Overall, I feel as though I have changed completely. I don't recognize myself. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I believe the environment that I was put on just completely made me into someone I haven't been before. It's weird, family might disagree with me, but the changes are subtle enough that I can notice them. I miss my old self sometimes. I remember I used to spend the majority of my time on Discord talking with a lot of friends. Now it's just a single server. People grow up, you know. I remember I used to program in Python and now look at me. C, x86 assembly, operating systems. Insane. My music taste has evolved as well. I'm surprised to say it but, not only do I love The Beatles, I also love.. Klaatu. A very cool band, actually. I listen to Hope and Magentalane a vast majority of the time. It's weird being in high school, at least for me. You never know you've changed until you look back into yourself and see how fast time has passed. It's an interesting concept, isn't it? How much do you think you've changed over the past year or two? By nature, I'm afraid of changed. Now change is all I ever experience nowadays. It's part of growing up, isn't it? I thought I'd write in to the site after several months. I've got several people to reach out. Take care of yourself. :-)