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October's Halloween



This post has nothing to do with Halloween (in fact, I'm probably not even doing anything for Halloween this year), despite the title. Just thought it was cool. Apart from that, I guess it really has been a month since I've posted. How cool is that.... I'd like to think of this month as the month that's really changed me personally. I feel as if I'm learning to be more professional and such. I'm considering my job opportunities and what I want to do from here on out. For example, this Thursday (2022-10-27) we'll* be heading to a restaurant in which we'll talk to cybersecurity experts and learn to network. I'm really, really excited for that. I've always wanted to talk to experts on the field and network with professionals.
*We'll in question is our school's cybersecurity club that we have at school.

About two days ago (2022-10-23) my mom and I had went to H-E-B for grocery shopping. I had remembered about the cybersecurity expert networking, and so I decided to look for a notebook to buy. (I had messaged my 8th grade tech teacher and asked him for networking tips. He replied back with saying I should have a notebook and pen handy). I couldn't find a notebook though (that store is really big), and so I found someone working there and decided to ask him for help. He gladly accepted and we began walking towards the notebooks. As we walked, I decided to shoot a shot in the dark and ask him for help on how I should network with people. That's where it started. We began talking and he told me about LinkedIn. Though I already had an account from a few months earlier, what really helped me was how to use it, and he taught me the interface and how to do things. I thanked him a lot and re-downloaded the app, making sure to complete (most of) my profile, joined a programming group, and connected with the guy. He accepted! So now I have 1 connection on LinkedIn. :)

Overall, really, I'm very thankful for him. He's actually a manager, so I guess I bumped into the right person at the right time. He did tell me that once I was 16, to come up to him (if he still worked here) and ask him, "Mr. [last name], I'm 16 now, what can I do for you?" Which to me sounds like a possible job opportunity! That's my plan now. At 16, I'll get a job at H-E-B, keep studying and hopefully land a job in computer science or cyber security. I have my life planned, how cool. Well not life, more like what I'll do to ensure I'm off to a good start. I'm hoping that with each milestone I accomplish (first job, graduation, dream job), I'll celebrate for a bit before looking ahead for another milestone to break. Eventually I'll be satisfied with my work, and that's all I'll ever want to happen.