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Thoughts about Thoughts


Fun Fact: This Thought was created on 2022-8-29, as the revamp design was thought of that day.
2022-8-29 has remained intact for historical reasons and the revamp design is used here.


Yes hello Juan here. I am in geometry. I fell asleep. WHAT ARE RADICALS? That's not very radical, dude. I have delta math to do, ughh I'll just leave it for homework, it's due this friday anyways. I swear I had more things to type about...
OH YEAH. Yesterday, I was thinking to myself, "woww.. what if I wanted to write multiple entries on the same day? I mean, it already has the time written at the top, it would be inaccurate for it to say 8:00AM and writing a final entry at 9:00PM..", and then I realized. I could just write the time I'M WRITING a current entry!!!
I'm so smart. Not a lot to talk about. This Thoughts post is mainly just about this new "redesign" that I'm implementing into Thoughts. Oh yeah, and also left aligning everything because center align looks bad for once (I love center align). Also going to left align the bullet points, they look ugly centered. Class will end at 10:00AM, so I'll catch you later maybe. Rush of posts for like the first few days of the website then stop updating this loll. That's the way a programmer goes. Okay bye noww!!! See you.... sometime.