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The Big Break-Through



I can't type for long as we're leaving for the bus at around 4:45PM, but trust me. I am excited. A week ago, we received a paper that said that today, October 27th, we'd go to a place to meet cybersecurity experts and be able to network and ask questions to them. I'm really, really looking forward to that! Unfortunately, it had turned out I wasn't on the list to go.. Thing is, out of 40 students in the club, only 20 were allowed to go. I didn't make the top 20 list. At the same time, I hadn't done the sign up survey to want to go, so that's probably why I wasn't included in the list. Fortunately, yesterday, the day before the event, two or three kids came up to the teacher and said that they couldn't go to the event after all! I had a glimmer of hope in my eyes, and the teacher gave me a permission slip to fill out that practically meant I was able to go! And now.. here I am.. writing about my experience. THIS. Is my big break through, it has to be. To say I didn't prepare is an understatement. I have about 10 questions ready to ask the experts, some of them being "What's something you would have liked to know before entering the field?", "what's your most favorite aspect of this field", and "what are the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing cybersecurity?" so I am really, really excited. Anyhow, it is about to be 4:45PM so I should probably put away my Chromebook, haha. And you know what? For once, I'll actually update a Thought after I've written it. I think looking back at this when I grow up would be really cool. Wish me luck, haha!