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Hello World!



Aaaand my personal site is up. This is great! You might be wondering why I wanted a personal site anyways. I'll tell you why. In this day and age of the internet everything seems so disorganized. You have a profile here, you have a profile there. I wanted a place where I could group everything of my digital life together and document everything of my own. Hence JuanR4140! Big thanks to a friend who got me this subdomain haha! Anyways, I'll probably post some stuff on JuanR4140/Thoughts. Kind of like a personal blogpost. Will people eventually read them? Who knows. Who am I writing for? Who knows. Might be fun to visit in some years to re-read everything anyways. Maybe with these posts you'll be able to understand what kind of person I am. Welp, have to sleep now. My mom is yelling at me haha! Goodnight.